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Oferta pracy

Solution Architect

Gliwice, śląskie, Polska Dodano: 2024-05-07 | ID oferty: 2167872

Numer referencyjny: 91631

Our client stands for pioneering ideas, well thought-out concepts and successful realisations. As a holistic service provider, they cover all areas from technology consulting and platform integration to software development. Their focus is on interface technologies in order to meet your digitalisation tasks comprehensively and sustainably.Their expertise ranges from the digitalisation of business models and the automation of end-to-end processes to the development of future-proof system landscapes. They offer customised solutions to customers in the financial services, insurance and public institutions sectors. With in-depth expertise, they support you in optimising cloud applications, seamlessly integrating software and benefiting from the latest AI technologies.Project Description:Looking for Solution Architect to focus on Cutover design with experience in complicated systems migrations, cloud fundamentals experience (Microsoft Azure, EntraID and Office 365), overall software and Infrastructure architecture and analytical skills.


An ideal candidate profile:

  • Excellent analytic and communication skills, to be able to facilitate workshop and produce presentation on complex planning
  • Good stakeholder management
  • Able to switch between looking at an overall plan, and go into details when needed
  • It is important that the candidate have documented experience from similar roles and projects

Required skills:

  • Microsoft Azure
  • EntraID
  • Cloud
  • SaaS
  • Migration

We offer:

  • Long term of cooperation
  • Attractive remuneration based on UoP or B2B
  • Private medical care
  • Participation in international projects


  • Design and Document Migration Plan (ownership of the migration architecture) covering:
    • migration logic and schedule,
    • data migration between on-prem source systems and hybrid data centres in cloud, on-prem and SaaS
    • reconciliation requirements
    • migration and swich over of user identities and access management
    • switch over all integrations (internal and external) between Source and Target platforms
    • organize migration design workshops with system architects, key stakeholders, business owners (as needed)
  • Design cloud-based environments for Dress Rehearsals
  • Lead the process of getting Migration Plan through architecture approvals
  • The main deliverable is a verified and working Migration plan

We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications.

TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.

Kontakt w sprawie rekrutacji:

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowana(y) ofertą pracy skontaktuj się z nami na poniższe dane. Przesyłając do nas swoje CV prosimy zawrzeć klauzule o zgodzie na przetwarzanie danych w celu rekrutacji.

TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.
Źródło oferty

Skontaktuj się z firmą:

TeamQuest Sp. z o.o.

Gliwice śląskie

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